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Field Trip Request Form

This form needs to be filled out whenever you are planning a field trip. Along with this form you will need to submit a Prior approval to Caroline Trotto at the Ed Center.


CTE Documents and Forms



Please use this form to request supplies, materials, equipment.
Don't forget to attach your justification with your purchase request.

Please plan on a two-week turn around for supply requests.

Complete the vendor's name and address. 

Complete the school name and address. Please include your name.

Note: for UNIT, please indicate if the item is each, dozen, bag, roll, etc.  Give a detailed and accurate description of the item.
The requisition calculates the items if you type directly into the form.

HIGH SCHOOL:  Please have your CIMC initial purchase requisition. Your CIMC will submit to the CTE District Office via CTE Email address. 

MIDDLE SCHOOL: Please send to for her to process.

Please complete the form with a detailed description and attach to the purchase request.  Purchase request(s) will not be approved without the justification form

Note: Please write out the objective/blueprint.


PLEASE NOTE: UPDATED FORM AS OF 1/16/2024.  Use this form for ALL travel - in county, out of county, in state, out of state, overnight and day trips.

This form is used to obtain approval for all CTE paid for events, field trips, etc.  This form must be submitted 4 weeks prior to the travel date.  It must be typed (no forms will be approved if handwritten). 

Estimate high on all costs.  Round up to the nearest dollar amount (no cents).

Please add cost of Sub to Prior approval if you need one! 

To budget for an acivity bus, it is $2.00/Mile

Once you have filled this out in its entirety, print, (PRINT TO "FIT") sign and give to your Principal for approval. (Highs Schools, please give to CTECs).

Submit to Traci Canaday @ the Ed Center.  She will obtain all signatures needed if approved and send back the original Documents to you, and copies to your treasurer.


CTE Overnight Travel Information

Contact the Program Area Lead for guidance on overnight travel.  The Program Area Lead will help advisors complete the required paperwork.  Career Development Coordiantor and CTSO Advisor will obtain all school level signatures and send in courier, to the attention of the CTE program Area Lead. 

Program Area  Contact
Agriculture Education                 *FFA  Jennifer Yandle
Business, Finance, & Marketing *FBLA & DECA  Melony Ritter
Computer Science & IT   Melony Ritter
Career Management  Melony Ritter
Family Consumer Science      *FCCLA  Jennifer Yandle

Health Science                        *HOSA

 Jennifer Yandle
Trade & Industrial Education *SkillsUSA  Melony Ritter


NOTE: The CTE Department will obtain all necessary signatures. DO NOT SEND TO THE SUPERINTENDENT.

This form is used for teachers traveling from school to school as their work day and for those that pick up supplies and materials during school hours. It is for local travels within the county claiming mileage ONLY.  Any travels outside the county must have a Prior Approval (you will not use this form for reimbursement).

Be sure you sign and add your timekeeper number, date your form and send to Traci Canaday's attention at the Ed Center.  You do no need anyone else's signature on the Supervisor line.  The Director of CTE is the only one that signs and approves the form.   Do not send electronic or scanned forms.  Finance requires original documents only.  Type your form; handwritten forms are not acceptable.

This form is due by the 10th of each month following any travels or workshops.

*NOTE:  Turn in your mileage form monthly. (Example:  Any local travels for the month of September will be turned in to CTE Office by October 10th)


Travel reimbursement forms are due by the 10th of each month following any travels or workshops attended.

Be sure to use the name that is listed on your paycheck.  No nicknames and include your timekeeper number (TK#).

Forms must by TYPED.  Handwritten forms are not acceptable

For step by step "how to" instructions, please go to the policies and procedures page or click here.

Attach your approved Prior Approval form and All receipts for hotel/registration etc..  Sign your form.  No other signature is required except the CTE Director for approval.  He signs on the Supervisor line.

Send to the attention of Traci Canaday, Ed Center – CTE. 

Please have your students complete the FACS Contract form for each class.