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Student Teachers and Interns


Here are important facts you need to know before entering our schools.

Classroom placements for Student Teachers/Interns should be directed to Angie McClain.
Placements for School Counselors must be directed to Karen Hollar.
Placements for Social Workers must be directed to Amy Jewell.
Placements for Athletic Trainers must be directed to Leslie Griffin and Bryan Tyson.

Student teachers and student interns are required to complete the following components before reporting to their assigned schools or classrooms:

1. Student Teacher/Intern Orientation - You must attend an Orientation Session to begin the process.   These sessions are only for student teachers/interns with a confirmed placement in Cabarrus County Schools.  These orientations will be scheduled through Human Resources. Contact Angie Mclain if you have questions.

2. Drug Test - We will discuss the drug test process during the orientation session.

3. Background Check - Student teachers will be emailed a link to the background check system.  This link will expire, it must be completed as soon as possible after receiving it.  Contact Angie McClain if you have questions or concerns regarding the background check.

4. Health Form - Complete and submit this Health Form to Angie McClain.

Applicants will receive a notice of approval by U.S. Mail once all Cabarrus County Schools requirements have been met. Student teachers/interns must provide a copy of this notification to the principal or other office personnel when reporting to your school for the first time.  You will not be admitted into the building without your approval letter.

If you would like to substitute as a student teacher, please check out this information.