Positive Alternatives to Student Suspension (PASS) is an alternative discipline intervention available to CCS students in grades 6-12.
What is PASS?
The Positive Alternatives to Student Suspension (PASS) program offers families the opportunity to enroll their students in programming during the day to address the concerning behaviors that led to the out of school suspension. Participation is voluntary and available on a first come first serve basis.
Students will have access to their academic content through Canvas. The program is staffed by a learning facilitator, who will offer relevant prevention education and will foster academic engagement.
Who is able to participate in PASS?
PASS is for middle and high school students who are suspended for indicated high risk behaviors that directly impact the safety and well-being of the student or peers and for whom this is the first offense.
Offenses include but are not limited to:
• Possession or use of vape, alcohol, marijuana or other unauthorized drugs
• Mutually consensual sexual contact
• The use of technology to share sexually explicit images for any purpose including the coordination of social media that is offensive and/or meant to inflict harm on another student
Students will return to their school after their final day of out of school suspension/PASS participation (up to 10-days).
When and where is PASS offered?
PASS program hours are Monday-Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Please arrive by 8:15 a.m.
The dates of PASS participation are not negotiable. Students are able to participate during their 10-days of out of school suspension. Parents will sign up on the CCS website by filling out the Google Form (Departments 🡪 Student Services 🡪 PASS Program 🡪 Scan QR Code/Click Link).
What are the expectations of the student and parent?
Class begins at 8:30 a.m. at the CCS Opportunity School, there is no late admittance. Parents will be required to drop-off and pick-up their students. Please arrive by 8:15 a.m.
Your student is ONLY allowed to bring their CCS issued laptop/chrome book. We do not allow bookbags, headphones, chapstick, make-up, shoulder bags, water bottles and/orother beverages and snacks, etc.
What are the expectations when PASS is completed?
Students who successfully complete PASS will receive a certificate of completion, including the dates that they attended.
PASS will follow Cabarrus County Schools calendar and inclement weather policies.
Middle School PASS
Amanda Smith
High School PASS
Maria Gaddy