Approved by CCS Board of Education: 10/09/2023
1, 2... Planning/Staff Development
5, 6, 7, 8, 12... Planning/Staff Development (Capped)
13... 1st Day for Students
2... No School for Students, Labor Day Holiday
11... End of 1st Nine Weeks, Early Dismissal ALL
14... Planning/Staff Development
5... No School for Students, Election Day, Planning/Staff Development (Capped)
11... No School for Students, Veterans Day Holiday
27, 28, 29... No School for Students, Thanksgiving Break
16-20... High School Exams, Early Dismissal HS Students
20... End of 2nd Nine Weeks, Early Dismissal ALL
23-31... No School for Students, Winter Break
1... No School for Students, Winter Break
2, 3... No School for Students, Planning/Staff Development
20... No School for Students, Martin Luther King Holiday
14... No School for Students, Planning/Staff Development Day
17... Presidents Day, Planning/Staff Development Day
7... End of 3rd Nine Weeks, Early Dismissal ALL
10-14... No School for Students, Spring Break
18... No School for Students, Good Friday Holiday
21... No School for Students, Planning/Staff Development (Capped)
15-21... High School Exams, Early Dismissal HS Students
21... End of 4th Nine Weeks, Last Day of School, Early Dismissal ALL
22... Planning/Staff Development Day (Capped)
23... Planning/Staff Development Day
26... Memorial Day Holiday
27, 28... Planning/Staff Development Day
Graduation: May 21, 22, 23
NC Law requires that all hours missed due to inclement weather must be made up to provide for 1,025 hours of instruction per academic year. In the event of inclement weather, the Superintendent may waive the hours missed, or designate the day(s) as *remote learning. Saturdays may also be used as a make-up day. *Subject to legislative approval.