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School Social Work Department

Welcome to the CCS School Social Work Department

SSW Change futures



Amy Jewell, LCSW
Director of Student & Family Support

NC SSW Vision To create nurturing relationships with students that enhance academic achievement and personal success as globally productive citizens in the 21st century. We utilize advocacy, leadership and collaboration to promote overall academic success by providing services that strengthen home, school and community partnerships and alleviate barriers to learning.

SSW Services Slide



Aronda Dunlap-Elder, LCSW
School Social Work Coordinator

    • CCS School Social Workers join with parents, agencies and school staff every day to promote good student attendance.  Click here to learn more
    • Missing 10% or 18 school days or more a year can significantly impact academic success, particularly for students learning to read
    • We encourage families to discuss the value regular school attendance can have on overall academic success and social development
    • Establishing good attendance habits in elementary, middle and high school sets the tone for good attendance habits in the workforce
    • Most attendance concerns can be resolved at the school level.  Contact your school’s social worker if your student or family have any barriers with regular, on-time school attendance
    • CCS School Social Workers are instrumental in identifying and supporting students experiencing homelessness
    • Children and youth experiencing homelessness need the stability of school and benefit from additional academic & student services support
    • Contact your school’s social worker if you are at risk of or currently experiencing homelessness to discuss school supports available and possible community resources
    • Learn more about your rights under the McKinney Vento Act if you are experiencing homelessness
    • Click here to access local housing resources
    • CCS School Social Worker, as highly qualified student services professionals, value the importance of building relationships with parents and caregivers
    • School social workers contribute to a safe and an engaging environment by recognizing individual differences and celebrating cultural and ethnic diversity in schools
    • Strong home-school partnerships are as important in middle and high school as they are in Pre-K and elementary school
    • Parent outreach can go beyond the walls of the school; home visits can be valuable in connecting with famlies and gathering information to help students overcome barriers to learning
    • Students are more likely to be excited and engaged in learning activities when they know parents and teachers are working together to support their learning
    • Want to connect with your school’s social worker?  Click here
    • CCS School Social Workers contribute to the establishment of a safe school climate
    • Respond to student mental health needs throughout the school day
    • Provide psycho-education and social emotional learning in classroom, small group and individual settings to help students build healthy coping skills and resilience 
    • Collaborate with parents, caregivers, and staff regarding mental health needs and supports
    • Provide caregivers with community mental health agencies and can assist with referrals for additional therapeutic services, click here to access mental health resources
    • Provide support during crises at the school and district level
    • Contact your school’s social worker to learn more or if you have a concern about your child’s mental health
    • CCS School Social Workers routinely problem-solve with teachers, counselors, administrators, data managers, nurses, SROs and other school staff to address barriers to learning and safety
    • School social workers may participate in parent-teacher conferences, 504 and IEP meetings, MTSS and other school leadership meetings
    • School social worker maintain the privacy of the family while helping school staff understand the individual needs of the students