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Logo for the Cabarrus County Schools KIDS:PLUS Program, featuring a globe, a leaf, and five gold stars.A group of children gather around a butterfly, observing it closely. Two young girls hold up homemade signs with watermelon and melon puns, smiling for the camera. Two girls wearing flower crowns and leis color on paper bags at a table. boy smiling as he enjoys outdoor recess

Click here for Site Contact Information

PHONE:  704.260.5820


MAIL:  P.O. Box 1909 | Concord, NC 28025


Summer Camp 2025 activity calendars will be emailed to summer participants very soon.

Registration for 2025-2026 school year will begin soon! Site Coordinators will be emailing currently enrolled family details.

Anyone who is interested in being placed on a wait list can complete this form beginning March 20th. Site Coordinators will reach out if/when space permits. 

KIDS:PLUS Mission 

We are committed to providing FIVE STAR quality care.

Safe environment and strategic interactions

Teaching through play

And building relationships

Right on campus!


Raising the bar for child care and maximizing opportunities to extend learning through meaningful experiences that exceed expectations.


Established in 1985, we are dedicated to providing high quality school-age care for the children enrolled in Cabarrus County Schools. We operate before and afterschool programs at each of the district’s elementary schools (including ROSA). Our programs are licensed by the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services, Division of Child Development and all programs currently hold a five-star rated license.

Children enrolled in KIDS:PLUS will be provided with a balance of structured and free-choice activities designed to stimulate their social, emotional, intellectual, and physical development. Our programs focus on building relationships and building character! We offer developmentally appropriate activity choices including:  organized outdoor and indoor physical activities, free-choice center activities (manipulatives, dramatic play, card & board games, science, math, and writing activities, arts & crafts, and more.

All KIDS:PLUS employees are also Cabarrus County School employees.