School-based occupational therapy is designed to enhance the student's ability to fully access and be successful in the learning environment.
This might include working on:
-The OT may also address fine and visual motor control for writing and art-type activities, self-care activities (such as managing fasteners on clothing , coats, and backpacks and food containers), visual perceptual skills to discriminate the environment around them, letters and numbers.
-OT will also support a student with sensory processing (the ability to take in the stimulation of the environment around you, integrate it and put out a purposeful response) and attention deficit problems that interfere with a student’s access to their education.
-OT in the schools is student-centered and educationally relevant. It is integrated into the natural environment of the school such as classroom, cafeteria, playground, and the media center.
-OT is a collaborative partnership with teachers and other educational personnel. It is evidence based and focused on functional/educational outcomes; related to NCDPI Standard Course of Study.
-OT is a related service under Part B of the Individuals With Disabilities Education Act (IDEA).
-Occupational Therapy in the schools is provided to help a student with a disability to benefit from special education.
-As such, OT is a supportive service. If a child has a disability, as defined by IDEA, and needs special education and related services to meet unique learning needs, then he/she might be eligible for OT services.
-A child must be eligible for special education before being considered for OT services in the schools under IDEA.
-Eligibility for special education does not mean automatic eligibility for related services, including OT. The final determination is made by the multidisciplinary team in concert with the OT evaluation. - AOTA
Last Modified on December 8, 2013