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Personnel Announcements

Superintendent Dr. John Kopicki has announced the following personnel appointments which were approved by the Cabarrus County Board of Education on August 14, 2023. Jan Aurand, assistant principal

BOE to meet Monday

The Cabarrus County Board of Education will meet on Monday, August 14, 2023 for a business meeting. The meeting will begin at 6:00 p.m. and will be held in the Board Room of the Cabarrus County

Personnel Announcements

Superintendent Dr. John Kopicki has announced the following personnel appointments which were approved by our Board of Education on Monday, August 7th.     Annessia Lee, assistant principal at

CCS, Panthers team up for girls flag football

Carolina Panthers Charities providing Cabarrus County Schools with $25,000 in program grant funding and other resources to support success of pilot programs   The Carolina Panthers and Cabarrus

Floyd appointed to BOE

Brian Floyd, a 2000 graduate of Concord High School, has been appointed to the Cabarrus County Board of Education. Floyd replaces Tim Furr, who resigned in July before being appointed to the

BOE to meet Monday

The Cabarrus County Board of Education will meet on Monday, August 7, 2023 for a work session. The meeting will begin at 6:00 p.m. and will be held in the Board Room of the Cabarrus County Schools

Community Immunization Clinics

Is your child a rising Kindergartener, 7th or 12th grader who needs immunizations to comply with state law for next school year? If so, the Cabarrus Health Alliance is holding school immunization

Personnel Announcements

Superintendent Dr. John Kopicki has announced the following personnel appointments which were approved by our Board of Education on Monday, July 17th.

Furr steps down from Cabarrus Board

Tim Furr, a long-serving member of the Cabarrus County Board of Educaton, has informed the Board members of his resignation, effective immediately, to pursue other career opportunities.   Furr, a

BOE to meet Monday

The Cabarrus County Board of Education will meet on Monday, July 17, 2023 for a special called meeting. The meeting will begin at 6:00 p.m. and will be held in the Board Room of the Cabarrus County

Future of NC bus fleet could be electric

From WCNC The future of school buses in North Carolina could be electric. State leaders are funding pilot programs to get electric buses on the roads this upcoming school year, and a Charlotte-area

BOE updates

The Cabarrus County Board of Education met on Monday, July 10, 2023, for a combined work session and business meeting. Here is an update on presentations, and approved action items from the

Personnel Announcements

Superintendent Dr. John Kopicki has announced the following personnel appointments which were approved by the Cabarrus County Board of Education on Monday, July 10th.  Heather "Beth"

Reading Mentors Needed

Cabarrus County Schools Read to Achieve Summer Camp is looking for mentors that can make a difference in our community’s future!