Mission Statement:
Create a healthy and comfortable learning environment while controlling energy consumption more efficiently and diverting the otherwise rising utility costs towards educational programs. Continue development of energy conservation efforts that proportionally reduce energy consumption in new and existing facilities. Educate every student and employee to contribute to energy efficiency in our System. Every person will be expected to be an “energy saver” as well as an “energy consumer”
Top Five Energy Efficient Actions (behavior management)
During unoccupied times which include nights, weekends, spring and summer breaks, HVAC systems are throttled back to best match the occupied building schedule(s). This is enhanced by zoning areas of the building and monitoring HVAC thermostat set points.
Turning lights "off" when areas become unoccupied. Using security lights and natural light to move about the building, when practical.
Turning off electronics when not in use such as: kitchen equipment, business machines, TV's, computers, monitors, copiers and printers.
Lowering and closing blinds at the end of each day. Keeping windows and doors closed when heat and air conditioning units are running.
Minimize or eliminate the use of city water for irrigation purposes. Report and repair water leaks, especially hot water problems.