KIDS:PLUS Inclement Weather Procedures:
When school is delayed due to inclement weather, The KIDS:PLUS Program will operate on the same delay schedule as Cabarrus County Schools:
- On days when school is delayed one hour, KIDS:PLUS will open one hour later than usual.
- On days when school is delayed two hours, KIDS:PLUS will open two hours later than usual.
When school is closed due to inclement weather, KIDS:PLUS will also be closed.
When school is dismissed early due to inclement weather, KIDS:PLUS will not operate.
- In the event of an early dismissal, families will need to plan to pick up their children via the car rider line. KIDS:PLUS children that do not already have an assigned seat on an afternoon bus, will not have the option of riding the bus home. It is important to have a emergency plan in place in the event that school is dismissed early due to weather.
Weather Closings will be updated on:
Cabarrus County Schools Website
KIDS: PLUS Facebook Page
Cabarrus County Schools Facebook/Twitter Pages